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Jack the Ripper Special Branch Index Ledgers

Fri Sep 02, 2011 7:17 am by Admin

Where would a book on Jack the Ripper conspiracies be without mention and an adequate assessment of the Metropolitan Police Special Branch Index Ledgers?

For those who do have a personal interest in these developments on the case, details on their existence and relevance was first published in the foundational reference work on the Whitechapel murders in 2006, Jack the Ripper: Scotland Yard …

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Secret Files on Jack the Ripper?

Wed May 18, 2011 3:36 pm by auspirograph

Breaking News?

Hi all,

Yes, this is a breaking story on Jack the Ripper historical sources but it has been an on-going saga for some time with the UK Information Tribunal. The story is a bit more involved than the press are reporting, or as Trevor Marriott is describing. There are certainly some details of a Victorian Special Branch investigation of Jack the Ripper, however, because suspects …

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Ripper Writers RSS Feeds

Wed Aug 25, 2010 4:56 pm by Admin

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Thanks for your continued interest and support of a site specific for writers, authors and crime historians on Jack the Ripper and the iconic Whitechapel murders.

Jack the Ripper Writers

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Ripper Writing Empty Ripper Writing

Post  Admin Fri Apr 18, 2008 2:15 pm

A few items of writing on Jack the Ripper by members for the enjoyment and interest of valued readers and guests.

Just a reminder that copyright remains with the author of the work.



Last edited by Admin on Fri May 01, 2009 5:36 pm; edited 2 times in total


Number of posts : 107
Registration date : 2008-04-11


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Ripper Writing Empty Abberline Retires

Post  Admin Sat Jul 05, 2008 10:57 pm

An article from the Ripperologistical Scott Nelson who kindly requested it be displayed.

The East End Tradesmen, The Three Nuns Hotel and the Retirement of Chief Inspector Abberline

by Scott Nelson


Number of posts : 107
Registration date : 2008-04-11


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Ripper Writing Empty Tumblety - Identifying the Source

Post  Admin Fri May 01, 2009 5:04 am

During the merry month of May, Jack the Ripper Writers will be hosting an exciting new serialised article by Joe Chetcuti as a way of contributing something back to the community .

Although the article has appeared in Ripperologist, this version is an exclusive to Jack the Ripper Writers being the 'author's cut', that is the version of the article as it was intended by its author before it was run through the editorial filters of Ripperologist.

Mr. Chetcuti said that he, "is happy to share his article "Identifying the Source" with the Jack the Ripper Writers web site. The article is presented in the version that is most preferred by the author."

The featured article, to appear as a four-part special, for the first time identifies the London correspondant who fed America with news of the alleged complicity in the Whitechapel murders of the suspect, Francis Tumblety.

Be sure to not miss it and stay tuned for the next exciting episodes of Tumblety - Identifying the Source made available for the interest and enjoyment of visitors to Jack the Ripper Writers.

The article can be read here:

Tumblety - Identifying the Source Part 1

Tumblety - Identifying the Source Part 2

Tumblety - Identifying the Source Part 3

Tumblety - Identifying the Source Part 4

by Joe Chetcuti

A section has also been made available for readers of this article and others to make comments as desired here:

Comments & Critics

Thanks to Mr. Chetcuti for generously making this ground-breaking piece of research and competant writing available to visitors of 'Ripper Writers'.


Number of posts : 107
Registration date : 2008-04-11


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Ripper Writing Empty Cadosch

Post  John Spanek Wed Jun 19, 2013 9:38 am

A splendid article on Albert Cadosch is now appearing in the Ripperologist journal.  Colin should be very proud of his work.  It is good to see research like this.  It's a real treat to view a photo of Cadosch, too.

The journal also published a story on Pizer, and one on Tumblety.  Simon Wood has a unique style of writing, and he did a fine job on the Pizer article.  And it was interesting to read a newly discovered letter written by Tumblety in 1891.

I will read the rest of the journal this week.  There are many talented writers in this issue.

John Spanek

Number of posts : 160
Registration date : 2009-11-08

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Ripper Writing Empty Cadosch

Post  Joe Chetcuti Wed Jun 19, 2013 6:45 pm

I liked this sentence in the Albert Cadosch article:

"...some male members of the Cadosch family were short in stature, so it is possible that Albert himself was not tall enough to see over the fence into the yard of 29 Hanbury Street."

That was a good point.  Cadosch may never have been in the habit of looking over that fence, and it could have been simply due to his height.

Simon and I didn't know in advance about each other's article in the June issue of Ripperologist.  It's a bit ironic because the two subjects of our articles, Pizer and Tumblety, each took the stand and denied he was the Ripper.

Pizer denial came before a coroner's inquest on Sept 12, 1888 and Tumblety's denial came before a police court on Nov 18, 1890.  So the two men had a little something in common.  I don't know of any other man who testified on a witness stand and denied he was the Ripper.

Joe Chetcuti

Number of posts : 217
Registration date : 2008-05-01

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Ripper Writing Empty Edward Stanley

Post  John Spanek Wed Jun 19, 2013 7:13 pm

Simon ended his article by saying more is to come from him in the next issue of Ripperologist.  He will be writing about Edward Stanley, the man involved in the Chapman case.  Stanley was stationed at Gosport at the same time Colonel Hughes-Hallett was in command at Gosport.  HH had gained Ripper notoriety by investigating the Tabram murder on the evening after it occurred.

A question was recently brought up about whether or not Tumblety was directly questioned about the Ripper murders by the courtroom prosecutor.  But regardless of whether or not he was directly asked about it, Tumblety still was the only man in a criminal court of law to deny being the Ripper.
I suppose Pizer was the only man to deny being the Ripper while taking the stand at a Coroner's Inquest.

John Spanek

Number of posts : 160
Registration date : 2009-11-08

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Ripper Writing Empty Edward Stanley

Post  Joe Chetcuti Wed Jun 19, 2013 8:01 pm

Although the newspapers did not report on whether or not Tumblety was specifically questioned about the Ripper murders by the prosecutor, it is a safe bet to assume he was.

It would have been odd if he wasn't questioned about it.  Tumblety answered by saying that he paid no attention to the accusation that he was Jack the Ripper. Why would a person take the witness stand and say he paid no attention to an accusation like that unless he was specifically asked about it?  Common sense tells you that he was indeed asked about it, and thus he gave his denial.

Of course when the guy was arrested in Nov 1890, he had a pamphlet which recited his lack of guilt in the Whitechapel murders.  So in reality, he was paying plenty of attention to the accusation.

Yes, I too am looking forward to reading more about Edward Stanley.  I hope Simon has more good information to share in the next issue.

Joe Chetcuti

Number of posts : 217
Registration date : 2008-05-01

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Ripper Writing Empty Cadosch

Post  John Spanek Thu Jun 20, 2013 11:10 am

The Cadosch family should be thanked for sharing their family photographs and information.  It's good that they saved all this 19th century material.  I hope other researchers get just as lucky with the descendants of Whitechapel Mystery figures. Thank goodness for attics and old albums.

John Spanek

Number of posts : 160
Registration date : 2009-11-08

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Ripper Writing Empty Re: Ripper Writing

Post  Mkl Hawley Thu Jun 20, 2013 5:31 pm

Joe Chetcuti wrote:Although the newspapers did not report on whether or not Tumblety was specifically questioned about the Ripper murders by the prosecutor, it is a safe bet to assume he was.

It would have been odd if he wasn't questioned about it.  Tumblety answered by saying that he paid no attention to the accusation that he was Jack the Ripper. Why would a person take the witness stand and say he paid no attention to an accusation like that unless he was specifically asked about it?  Common sense tells you that he was indeed asked about it, and thus he gave his denial.

Of course when the guy was arrested in Nov 1890, he had a pamphlet which recited his lack of guilt in the Whitechapel murders.  So in reality, he was paying plenty of attention to the accusation.

Yes, I too am looking forward to reading more about Edward Stanley.  I hope Simon has more good information to share in the next issue.

Hi John and Joe,

Excellent point Joe.  The source of this argument has presented it with a negative tone, which speaks volumes. 

I haven't read Simon' article completely, yet (hopefully tomorrow), but I certainly like his style.



Mkl Hawley

Number of posts : 99
Registration date : 2010-06-09

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Ripper Writing Empty Jan Bondeson

Post  John Spanek Fri Jun 21, 2013 12:28 pm

Hi Mike,
After enjoying Simon's article, I think you'll like Jan Bondeson's article as well.  Jan wrote of Mr. Cooke's School of Anatomy.  It was a small house inside a London cemetery.  Inside of it was a large dissecting room used on cadavers.  Many "students" flocked into this place during the 1880s.
It makes us wonder if a younger Jack the Ripper strolled into one of Mr. Cooke's classes.  The English medical establishment didn't like this little school.

John Spanek

Number of posts : 160
Registration date : 2009-11-08

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Ripper Writing Empty Re: Ripper Writing

Post  Mkl Hawley Fri Jun 21, 2013 12:45 pm

Hi John,

That does sound interesting.  It's next on my list.


Mkl Hawley

Number of posts : 99
Registration date : 2010-06-09

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